
Insulation Products

Faisal Jassim group is an exclusive agent for ARMACELL – a global leader in engineered foams, providing insulation, specialty foam and rubber solutions for a wide range of industries. ARAMACELL developed ARMAFLAX, the world’s foremost trademark in flexible foam insulation and have become a major supplier of value-added foams and expanded rubber products for automotive, industrial, sports, leisure, packaging and a wide range of custom applications.

Armaflex AC Class 0
Flexible Insulation to prevent condensation and energy losses

AP/Armaflex – Pipe and Duct Insulation

Tubolit AR Fonoblok
The noise reducing insulation for cast iron waste water pipes

Tubolit AR Fonowave

The noise reducing insulation for plastic waste water pipes

Armacell Ductliner Armasound
High performance acoustic insulation for a quieter environment